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React quick start

Getting started
Quick start

One key feature of ICP is its ability to serve web assets directly in a web browser. When an application is deployed to ICP, users from around the world can access it using only the smart contract's URL without requiring the developer set up a domain name or other web configuration.

Deploy a React app in minutes using these steps.


Download and install Node.js.
Install the libunwind package. On Debian/Ubuntu: sudo apt install libunwind-dev.

1. Install the IC SDK.

sh -ci "$(curl -fsSL"
source "$HOME/.local/share/dfx/env"

Confirm the IC SDK has been installed:

dfx --version

2. Download the React template.

Create a new empty directory, then download the project template:

mkdir react-project
cd react-project
npx degit rvanasa/vite-react-motoko

This example project uses Motoko, React, and TypeScript template to create a simple counter application.

3. Start dfx

dfx start --background

4. Setup the project using npm.

npm run setup

5. Deploy the project.

dfx deploy --playground

6. Interact with the app.

Open the frontend URL in a web browser. You'll see the template React frontend interface.

Congratulations, you just created your first internet-native React dapp!